Always one photon ahead

Our technology and products are rooted in a decade of industry near research and development in integrated photonics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and 20 years of experience in building high-precision assembly machinery for photonic packaging.

Headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany, we develop technology and products including machines, software, materials and processes for creating low-loss photonic interconnects between passive and active optical components.

These so-called photonics interconnects are fabricated leveraging our unique and growing IP portfolio for Photonic Wire Bonding (PWB) and Facet-Attached Micro-Lenses (FAML).

Building on nano-print technology, our solutions enable high packaging density, increased design flexibility and fabrication throughput.

How does Vanguard Automation relevant to every live?

Everyday millions of people connect to the internet through mobile devices that rely on fiber-optical networks and networks which are built using optical components such as tiny chips, lasers, amplifiers, and fibers.

Vanguard Automation’s technology and products simplify the development and production of such optical systems. In particular, it helps using light to transport und process information much more easily, and at larger volumes, while reducing the power consumed in comparison to incumbent methods.

In addition to tele- and datacom applications, integrated photonics is proliferating more and more fields of application such automative lidar, AI and optical computing, quantum computing and sensing, and more.